Cloud Integration on a Global Scale

International Company Integrates Cloud-Based Applications Across Their Global Infrastructure

Our client can now leverage their data to create huge business value while also achieving time and cost savings.


When an international Fortune 500 company needed to integrate cloud-based applications involving millions of customer records onto a single Salesforce platform, they contacted Primitive Logic.

The Challenge

To manage their database of millions of customers, our client was leveraging an array of old, out-of-date, and standalone applications with poor data quality, and offices in each country used a different combination of systems. This situation was negatively impacting their business, and they were plagued by a series of productivity and budgetary issues, including

  • Inhibited and inadequate sharing of information
  • Duplicate licensing costs
  • Lagging performance
  • High infrastructure and maintenance costs

Our client recognized the need to integrate their applications into a single Salesforce platform, and they had to figure out how to do this without disrupting regular business operations. This required architecting a data migration solution capable of loading more than half a billion records over a single weekend. Since each country’s offices had their own legacy systems and business models, a single approach to data migration was not possible.

Why They Chose Primitive Logic

Primitive Logic had an extensive track record working with this client, having completed more than 60 projects for them over the previous decade. Given our successful history working with their systems, data, and architecture, the client felt we were the obvious choice to assist them with this project.

The Solution

Primitive Logic successfully completed our client’s cloud integration according to their rigid time constraints, achieving data migration speeds of over 20 million records per hour. We migrated each of the client’s offices onto a single Salesforce platform, facilitating information sharing across borders and dramatically reducing data search times.

Over the two-day period during which Primitive Logic was loading half a billion records onto the new platform, more than 1,000 users went about their work using a fully customized platform for their core business — with zero disruption. Our client now has a single platform supporting their worldwide operations, covering more than 85 percent of their global business.

Upon completion of the project, our client realized an array of additional benefits, which included

  • Improving IT’s ability to support the business
  • Reducing licensing costs
  • Improving use of data for strategic decision-making
  • Reducing maintenance and support costs

Our client can now manage their data more efficiently, leverage their data to create huge business value, and achieve time and cost savings as a result of integrating cloud applications across their global infrastructure.

We Can Help

Let the Primitive Logic team help you achieve mindful digital transformation.

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